Coalition of Religious Leaders of New Jersey Call for the Passage of Dream Act of 2017
The Coalition of Religious Leaders of New Jersey expresses deep concern and opposition to President Trump’s plan to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program.
We believe that this action is a clear violation of our faith principles of hospitality, compassion and justice. We believe the President’s decision to end this program threatens the emotional, social, and economic stability for millions of individuals and tears at the fabric of our country.
The young people, who have been protected from deportation by DACA, attend our schools, serve in our military, are members of our faith communities, and make significant contributions to our economy. Their hopes and dreams are no different from the children who are born here and there is no legitimate reason for inflicting this needless suffering on these children. Their only crime, if you even call it that, was that they lovingly and obediently accompanied their parents in pursuit of the dream of freedom and opportunity.
We, the Religious Leaders of New Jersey, deeply lament the pain and fear that so many young immigrants are experiencing in the wake of the President’s decision to terminate the DACA Program. We condemn this shameful and unacceptable position. We will not stand by as DACA youth, as well as undocumented immigrants, are blamed for the economic and social problems facing our nation.
We call upon members of our New Jersey Congressional delegation to support the Dream Act of 2017 (S 1615/HR 3440). This act will protect almost 800,000 youth who entered the United States as children and know America as their only home. Tens of thousands dreamers call New Jersey home.
Our respective faiths call us to welcome the dreamer, and we stand with them in this moment of time. It is for us a moral imperative that we call upon our representatives in Congress to support the Dream Act of 2017. We call upon our member congregations to pray and advocate for the Dreamer and to uphold the dignity of every person and work for the common good. Let us exemplify our best ideals and beliefs.
35 Endorsers
Rev. Leslie Dobbs-Allsopp Interim Executive of the Elizabeth Presbytery
Rev. Darrell Armstrong General Baptist Convention of NJ
Very Rev. Peter A. Baktis Orthodox Church of America
Bishop Tracie Bartholomew Bishop, NJ Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Imam Qareeb Bashir Islamic Center of Ewing
Bishop Mark Beckwith Episcopal Diocese of Newark
Rev. Charles Boyer Pastor, Bethel AME Church of Woodbury, NJ
Deacon Patrick Brannigan Executive Director of the NJ Catholic Conference
Rev. Dr. Debra Brincivalli Presbytery Executive, West Jersey Presbytery
Rev. Dr. Ursula Cargill Reformed Church of America, Synod of NJ
M. Ali Chaudry, Ph.D. President, Islamic Society of Basking Ridge
The Most Reverend James F. Checchio Bishop of the Diocese of Metuchen
Rev. Seth Kaper-Dale Reformed Church of America, Synod of NJ
Rev. Dr. Harold Delhagen Presbyterian Synod of the Northeast
Joan M. Diefenbach, Esq. Executive Director, NJ Council of Churches
Rabbi Menashe East Mount Freedom Jewish Center, Interfaith Council of Morris County
Rev. Dr Elmo Familiaran Interim Executive Minister
American Baptist Churches of New Jersey
Rabbi Matthew Gewirtz Congregation B’nai Jeshurun
Father Timothy Graff Archdiocese of Newark
Rev. Rob Gregson Executive Director Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ
Rev. Jack Johnson Coordinator, Coalition of Religious Leaders
Father Joe Kwiatkowski Office of Social Concerns, Newark Archdiocese
Rev. Sara Lilja Director of the Lutheran Office of Governmental Ministries
Rev. Dr. A. Roy Medley General Secretary Emeritus, American Baptist Churches
Past President National Council of Churches
Rev. David Popham Associate Conference Minister, Central Atlantic Conference of the United Church of Christ
Rev. Jeanne Radak Presbytery Leader, Newton Presbytery
Bishop John Schol Greater NJ Conference of the United Methodist Church
Imam W Deen Shareef Convener of the Council of Imams in NJ, Resident Imam at Masjid Waarith ud Deen
Rabbi Alan Silverstein Congregation Agudath Israel, Past President Rabbinical Assembly
Rev. Barbara Smith Executive Presbyter, Newark Presbytery
Bishop William Stokes Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin Archdiocese of Newark
Rev. Bob Tomlinson Executive Presbyter, New Brunswick Presbytery
Rev. Dr. Robert Wade Presiding Elder of Camden-Trenton District AME
Rabbi Gerald Zelizer Temple Neve Shalom
Rabbi Emeritus