As the national unrest in the wake of the tragic death of George Floyd and the outrage over racism in our country continues, I am grateful to the Holy Father for his prayers yesterday – for the Church in St. Paul and Minneapolis, our entire country, the repose of the soul of George Floyd and “all those others who have lost their lives as a result of the sin of racism."
We all have a responsibility to promote the common good which includes justice and peace, and as Christians, we also must pray for it. In this sad moment in our nation’s history, it is clear we still have much to pray for and much to accomplish. We must never become complacent or see it as someone else's responsibility, but through our vigilant prayers and good works we are to be part of God's solution to the pathway of peace in our times.
We recommit ourselves in the Diocese of Metuchen to build a civilization of love, one which respects the inherent dignity of each person and values the gift of all human life. We can and must listen generously, seek understanding, and accompany all who are experiencing the pain and anguish that stem from racial injustice and indifference.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas and of the people of Metuchen, pray for us: that we may have the courage and wisdom, humility and grace, to act with justice and seek peace to bring forth healing from the scourge and sin of racism.